What goes on upstairs: A Grafton Projectionist’s Perspective

Working as a projectionist at Grafton-Stovall Theater is one of the most interesting jobs available on campus. While UPB takes care of the business and logistics of choosing, licensing and ordering movies, it is our job to prepare the films … Continue reading

In The World of Harry Potter

Whenever I meet someone new, they always inquire about the strangely shaped scar on my hand. I never notice it unless people ask, but every time someone does I wish I had a better story to tell…

Like how I was lucky enough to spend the summer studying abroad, and how I left Hogwarts on a thestral and made the long trip from Scotland to Romania to study Dragons! I would have stopped overnight at Beauxbatons Academy to visit some friends and eventually traveled through the very forest that He Who Must Not Be Named once hid in exile in Albania on my way to Romania.  My first day of dragon training, I picked up an infant dragon.  Not knowing who I was, it burnt my hand leaving the mark that I now live with.

If only I could actually live in the world of Harry Potter! I can see myself running into the column between platforms nine and ten every year to get to Hogwarts and sipping on a butterbeer sitting in Hogsmeade over the weekend. I can’t wait to visit the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida but until then I’m so excited that I can live out my fantasy tonight at Grafton at 9:30. With Part 2 coming to theaters soon I am definitely going to take this opportunity to see Part 1 on the big screen again.

~Edward Bagsic, Film Committee