Get To Know…Larkin Poe

United by their love of story-telling as well as their unbreakable bond as sisters, Rebecca and Megan Lovell have created their band, Larkin Poe. The two sisters are 19 and 20 making their musical career even more interesting as fans can expect to enjoy the musical products of their creativity for a long time to come. Larkin Poe is full of spirited vocals, acoustic guitar, and country themes. Rebecca and Megan have created the quintessential road trip soundtrack that just asks the listener to roll down the window and enjoy the breeze as they take in the girl’s refreshing lyrics.

In 2010, Larkin Poe released 4 seasonally themed EPs. Listeners should be excited to delve into the band as the seasons change and their music matches the mood outdoors. Their music is easily accessible to viewers as their seasons EPs are all available to listen to on their website for free. Larkin Poe is making limited stops in the U.S. including UPB’s Spotlight Series in Taylor Down Under TONIGHT at 8pm as well as various places in Florida, Nevada, and Georgia. The girls will be sure to please listeners as they sing in the intimate venue of TDU making their music even more of a personal story telling performance.

~Kirby Shultz, Spotlight Sounds

The End of the Beginning

Bittersweet. That is the perfect graduation word – although the g-word is banned from my apartment. What’s really the kicker is that it doesn’t just end my time at JMU, but also with the best organization I’ve been a part of in my college years.

Here it is, plain and simple. I love UPB. I have grown with this organization, first as a committee member and then as an executive council member. During my time on the board I have met some of the most memorable people I have come across at this university and I have left with some pretty wonderful best friends.

My favorite part of this experience has been the people. Without them it would not have been the same experience. This job is hard, that’s an understatement, and sometimes you have to stretch to reach your goals. One thing I knew all along was that no matter how far I stretched, my team would never let me fall over. We’ve lugged coolers full of water, been the sole supporters and groupies of our favorite band, carpooled, vented about our stresses, and just plain been there for each other. I have depended on them time and time again and for that, I cannot thank them enough.

It’s the end of this chapter, that’s for sure, but what will never escape me are the meaningful moments I’ve spent with some of the best. I know that I’ve learned so much from them this year, but not all of it has been directly related to event planning. This is why I love UPB. These are the good times. I’m holding on to this until I have to leave, but only if I’m hand-in-hand with my best friends.


~Amy Remmer, Director of Special Events

Love For The Goo Goo Dolls

Since I was little I have been a fan of the Goo Goo Dolls-and I must admit, my love has yet to fade!  I have pushed, begged, and pleaded for the band to come play at JMU, and while that has still not happened, I won’t let the idea go.  From “A Boy Named Goo,” to “Dizzy Up the Girl,” to their most recent 2010 album, “Something For the Rest of Us,” the Goo Goo Dolls have not failed to write a song that hits home and never gets old to me!  I think my favorite song of all time by them would have to be “Slide,” but “Name” is also a close second.  Even off of their newest album, I really like the song “Not Broken” (live video below!).  I don’t think the band will ever stop making great music!

Despite a diverse and changing world, Goo Goo Dolls continue to write music that speaks to fans everywhere.  Don’t worry, JMU; I will never give up hope of the Goo Goo Dolls performing here (maybe in the Fall?!), playing a little something for the rest of us!

~Melissa Janocha, Director of Spirit & Traditions

Training My Successor

One of the things we were told when we began our exec positions this year was that as soon as you finally get the hang of your job, you start training someone else. At first, I was skeptical. But as soon as February rolled around and I felt like I finally had a semblance of an idea of what I was doing, somebody had already been hired to fill my position for next year.

Training my successor is bittersweet. It’s bitter because I know how much I will miss being an executive member next year, but it’s sweet because I am able to see somebody starting on the incredibly rewarding and challenging journey of being an exec member. Meeting with my successor every week is also a chance for me to brainstorm things I wish I would have done and plant these seeds in the ideas that we come up with for next year, so that’s a really cool part of training that I wasn’t expecting when I started out.

Being able to reflect back on the year and also giving somebody else the tools to succeed in this position is a very exciting part of the job and it has been a great experience that I have thoroughly enjoyed, and I can’t wait to finish the training on a strong note.

~Elyse Krachman, Director of Spotlight Sounds

Acting Like A Kid Again For One Last Time

Less than three weeks from now, I’ll be walking across the stage in Godwin Hall, wearing my purple gown, yellow hood, and blue UPB stole.  Even though I will be starting graduate school in the summer, I feel as though I am in a tug of war.

I cannot wait to begin my life after college, to move to a new city, to find the perfect job, and to make my mark on the world.  But I am dreading my life after college, having to pay my own bills, get my own insurance, and make decisions on my own.  I find myself reminiscing on my childhood and teenage years, and thinking back to all the fun (and dumb) things that I have done these past twenty-two years.

My childhood was spent with people I love, doing things that I loved doing.  I spent countless hours on the playground at school, playing Lava tag and Freeze tag.  After school we would gather at the baseball diamond to play Kickball or Red Rover.  Sleepovers would occur every other weekend, where we would watch scary movies, paint our nails, and eat pizza rolls.  We would make prank-calls, asking if the refrigerator was running.  Come Monday, we all had a sports story to share with the class, whether we scored the game-winning goal or hit our first home run.  Looking back on these memories, I want to go back to those days when I didn’t have to think about the real world that I will be entering soon.

Thankfully, UPB wants me to go back to those days, to be a kid again.  This Thursday, there will be two events that let me act like a kid.  At 9:00, the movie that all children grew up loving will be playing on the Festival Lawn.  Who doesn’t remember watching The Little Rascals and laughing when Alfalfa sang to Darla at the derby race?  At 10:00, the child-like fun continues with Dr. Seuss Late Night Breakfast.  Inflatables, games, music, and free food- sounds like the perfect way to spend a Thursday night.  I’ll be there Thursday night at Festival acting like a kid again- who is going to be with me?

~Kayla Fleming, Film Committee

A Tribute to Late Night Breakfast

Being at school I learned a ton

That JMU is number one!

I’m almost complete with my degree

No more schoolwork, yippee!

But then I sit and ponder

After JMU, where will I wonder?

I am now almost grown up

What a shock, I may throw up.

I wish I could go back to the day

Where I would climb and play.

Instead of deciding on a major,

My main problem: picking a Popsicle flavor.

But UPB gives me one last night

To keep my youth present and bright.

From Late Night Breakfast: Act Like a Kid Again

I know my young spirit will never end.

With graduation approaching faster than I think, I know that I am going to Late Night Breakfast: Act Like a Kid Again and to regain my youth. I hope to see everyone there at 9 to watch a free movie on the lawn: Little Rascals and join me for some fun-filled festivities!

~Natalie Hamlin, Spirit & Traditions Outreach Chair

How To Win Assassins

From the moment I first heard that UPB was going to have its own game of assassins, I was determined to win.  I had played in high school, (and won) so I was pretty confident I could pull it off again (I did)…  Over the course of the six weeks, I “killed” at least 9 fellow members of UPB, and even our coordinator Carrie Martin.  I am the ultimate assassin.
So for future assassins players, I give you these tips…

1. Trust no one
Really, don’t trust anyone at all.  Especially your target’s roommates.  One of my target’s roommates conned me into brining her Ben & Jerry’s in exchange for letting me into her room to kill her.  It didn’t work.

2. Facebook is your friend, if you’re smart
Statuses such as “Out on the Quad!!” seem innocent to most, but to a determined assassin, this is like handing your life over to them.  Think before you post.

3.  If someone attempts to kill you in public, make a scene
Fall to the ground, shout out loud, yell! These all work very well.

4. Dukes is a danger zone
I killed at least 4 people who were in or near Dukes.  Watch out.

Remember these things, watch your back, and maybe someday you can be the ultimate assassin.  But know, if I’m in the game you will lose.

~Jeff McCallister, Center Stage Committee & 2011 UPB Assassin Winner