Want to meet Macklemore & Ryan Lewis?

Here are the official ways to win meet and greet passes to the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis with opener YONAS show on April 8, 2013 at the Convocation Center at JMU. Each winner will get to bring a friend to … Continue reading

Acting Like A Kid Again For One Last Time

Less than three weeks from now, I’ll be walking across the stage in Godwin Hall, wearing my purple gown, yellow hood, and blue UPB stole.  Even though I will be starting graduate school in the summer, I feel as though I am in a tug of war.

I cannot wait to begin my life after college, to move to a new city, to find the perfect job, and to make my mark on the world.  But I am dreading my life after college, having to pay my own bills, get my own insurance, and make decisions on my own.  I find myself reminiscing on my childhood and teenage years, and thinking back to all the fun (and dumb) things that I have done these past twenty-two years.

My childhood was spent with people I love, doing things that I loved doing.  I spent countless hours on the playground at school, playing Lava tag and Freeze tag.  After school we would gather at the baseball diamond to play Kickball or Red Rover.  Sleepovers would occur every other weekend, where we would watch scary movies, paint our nails, and eat pizza rolls.  We would make prank-calls, asking if the refrigerator was running.  Come Monday, we all had a sports story to share with the class, whether we scored the game-winning goal or hit our first home run.  Looking back on these memories, I want to go back to those days when I didn’t have to think about the real world that I will be entering soon.

Thankfully, UPB wants me to go back to those days, to be a kid again.  This Thursday, there will be two events that let me act like a kid.  At 9:00, the movie that all children grew up loving will be playing on the Festival Lawn.  Who doesn’t remember watching The Little Rascals and laughing when Alfalfa sang to Darla at the derby race?  At 10:00, the child-like fun continues with Dr. Seuss Late Night Breakfast.  Inflatables, games, music, and free food- sounds like the perfect way to spend a Thursday night.  I’ll be there Thursday night at Festival acting like a kid again- who is going to be with me?

~Kayla Fleming, Film Committee

A Tribute to Late Night Breakfast

Being at school I learned a ton

That JMU is number one!

I’m almost complete with my degree

No more schoolwork, yippee!

But then I sit and ponder

After JMU, where will I wonder?

I am now almost grown up

What a shock, I may throw up.

I wish I could go back to the day

Where I would climb and play.

Instead of deciding on a major,

My main problem: picking a Popsicle flavor.

But UPB gives me one last night

To keep my youth present and bright.

From Late Night Breakfast: Act Like a Kid Again

I know my young spirit will never end.

With graduation approaching faster than I think, I know that I am going to Late Night Breakfast: Act Like a Kid Again and to regain my youth. I hope to see everyone there at 9 to watch a free movie on the lawn: Little Rascals and join me for some fun-filled festivities!

~Natalie Hamlin, Spirit & Traditions Outreach Chair

Family Game Night

While home on break, I always enjoy getting together with my family.  All my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents get together for a nice family dinner.  One of my favorite parts of the get together has to be after dinner when we all partake in a family board game.  Over this past break, the game of choice was Pictionary, seeing the different pictures my family tried drawing and their ridiculous guesses was hysterical.  Nothing is better than a little friendly competition between family and friends, well maybe only if you win.

If you enjoy food, games, and good company just as much as I do, then you should definitely come to the Board Game Late Night Breakfast on Thursday, January 20th from 10pm to 12am in Festival.  I personally cannot wait for the life-sized games such as Connect 4 and inflatable Twister.  Hopefully I will be able to get my Monopoly board filled before the end of the night!  And while all this is going on breakfast food will be served, a capella groups will be performing, puzzles will be available, and prizes will be given out and everything’s free!  What could be better!

~Jessica Romeo, Spirit & Traditions

Behind the Scenes of…Late Night Breakfast

Hey everyone, my name is Melissa, and every month I plan and coordinate a Late Night Breakfast (LNB) in Festival.  At every LNB you can find music, food, crafts and exciting activities; all of which are based around a theme.  Past LNB themes have included Disney, Safari, Luau, Hard Rock Café, and Pirates.

But how do we choose these themes?  I work with a committee of about 25 members, and we meet once a week to discuss ideas for Late Night Breakfasts and how we can make them really happen!  I generally start out by asking the committee to come up with the craziest and most extravagant ideas for a theme and/or activities, and from there we work our way down to decide on a theme that is feasible and within our budget.

We then spend the weeks leading up to the event choosing all the activities and crafts that will complement our theme, and we spend a lot of time trying to come up with things that we know JMU students would love to come to Festival to do!  For all of our inflatables, such as the giant Shark Slide on the Festival Lawn, we actually call in a company from Pennsylvania to set-up and facilitate the activity!

From decorations to the food, our committee thinks of every way possible to bring all of our visions and students’ suggestions together and make each LNB fabulous and entertaining!  We’re looking forward to all the great themes coming up next semester!  Are you excited?!

~Melissa Janocha, Director of Spirit & Traditions

College Musicians

Music is such a huge part of all of our lives. Whether you realize it or not you can’t go a day without it. Just try it. Go ahead. You can’t do it. It’s on at home, in the car, in restaurants and stores, walking through campus, on the bus. You literally can’t avoid it. But who would want to?  We grew up with boy bands like N*Sync, Backstreet Boys, and O-Town. Rock groups like Creed, Smashing Pumpkins, and Train. Country performers like Garth Brooks and Tracy Lawrence. Rap artists like Eminem and Dr. Dre.  Now we have a new generation of music forming, but at the roots will always remain my favorite artists: the college musician.

It really is amazing how much talent we have lurking around every corner at JMU. To get a taste of it all you have to do is walk out to the Quad on a sunny day and listen to the bongo and guitar duos jammin’ out, or to a Tuesday Open Mic Night in TDU to catch the solo artists honing in on their skills. But if you really want to see the raw awesome talent that JMU has to offer you really should get out to a show. These shows are all over campus and all over Harrisonburg. No matter what your taste is you can find someone playing something that makes you want to rock!

UPB and Mad4U are teaming up for a Late Night Breakfast/Live at the Drum event in Festival with The Dish Dogs TONIGHT, November 11th. You will be able to eat some great food (as always!), make your own music video, make crafts out of old school record covers, listen to great Americana music (think Bob Dylan), play games (including the not-yet-released XBox Kinect!!!), and SOOOOO much more, which is why I’ll be attending Late Night Breakfast at the Hard Rock Cafe with Live at the Drum. You should be there too.

~Josh Grubb, Mad4U Grad Advisor

Luau Late Night Breakfast

Looking for a way to escape all the work you have so far this semester? For the last couple of weeks I’ve been telling myself I need a vacation! And thanks to UPB I’m finally getting one. TONIGHT UPB is hosting a Luau Late Night Breakfast where everyone can enjoy a night out having fun with friends!

There may not be actual sand between my toes but there will be surf! This month you can come “Hang Ten” with our awesome Surf machine! Where else can you surf at school? If surfing isn’t your thing you can try your hand at
ladder ball, hula hoops or sand art! And of course dancing!

Make sure you check out Late Night Breakfast this month and every month after that!


Can’t wait to see you all there!

~Courtney Waldmann
Spirit and Traditions Committee Member